Professional Quality of Life and Mental Health among Doctors in Tamil Nadu during COVID19 Pandemic




COVID-19, Compassion Satisfaction, Secondary Traumatization, Mental health


Background: The pandemic COVID19, a serious global threat has led to elevated levels of pressure on medical professionals. The research shows that occupational stressors has been significantly associated with the pandemic.Objective: To estimate the professional quality of life of doctors in Tamil Nadu and their mental health during the COVID19 pandemic. Settings andDesign: Cross-sectional study in Tamil Nadu, South India. Method: Among 318 doctors from both private and government sectors in Tamil Nadu, South India during April 9th - May 10th 2021, the study was conducted to estimate the professional quality of life [Compassion Satisfaction (CS), Secondary Traumatization (ST) and burnout] using ProQOL-5 scale. Depression and Anxiety were estimated using PHQ-9 and GAD-7 scales respectively. Statistical analysis used: Association between the variables was found using Chi-square test. Results: Among the 318 respondents (170 males and 148 females), CS and ST levels were high in 77(24.2%), and 10(3.1%) respondents respectively. Severe depression and anxiety were among 36(11.3%) and 109(34.3%) respectively. Statistically significant association was found for Burnout (?2=55.671; OR=15.135; 95% CI=6.361-36.013 and ?2=57.518; OR=18.014; 95% CI=7.054-46.007) and ST (?2=56.701; OR=15.432; 95% CI=6.486-36.717 and ?2=26.281; OR=4.558; 95% CI=2.476-8.390) with both depression and anxiety (p<0.05). Conclusions: Doctors of Tamil Nadu, South India are challenged with adverse mental health outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic with a significant association between the quality of life at work and psychological distress.


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How to Cite

Mallika MCV, Glannie AR, Venis P. Professional Quality of Life and Mental Health among Doctors in Tamil Nadu during COVID19 Pandemic. Indian J Community Health [Internet]. 2022 Mar. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];34(1):89-93. Available from:



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