Role of Artistic Copper-T Shiksha Model to sensitize women for the use of Copper–T as a safe contraceptive
Child; Male, Female, Copper, Family Planning Services, Neurolinguistic Programming, Privacy, Touch, Contraception, Contraceptive Agents, Intrauterine Devices, Counselling, Risk Assessment, UterusAbstract
The contraceptives are integral part of healthy sexual life. The choice of contraceptives depends on family planning and will of couple specially woman. Copper-T, an intrauterine device (IUD) is one of the most effective, cheapest and reversible contraceptive methods. It can be used for both spacing and birth control and it has minimum side effects as compared to other contraceptives. But it is highly neglected contraceptive though Copper- T has High pearl index and has less failure rate than other temporary contraceptive methods. As most of women are unaware of its potential significance & refuse it after misconception of perforation of uterus and expulsion. Copper-T Shiksha Model is innovative way of contraceptive counselling by artistic presentation to female and her family even in presence of children. It is based on the Arts Integration Approach and Neuro-linguistic programming. Copper-T is promoted as ornament of uterus instead of sharp object and displayed beautifully with a framed painting with significant meaning of contraception by famous artist Rahul Bhandare. Woman is also warned of side effects of Copper-T and conditions like excessive bleeding. It boosts up faith and confidence in contraceptive method. Both hand cards and clinic model is used in awareness. 400 women were selected randomly in group meets, door to door survey and individual counselling.
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