Preventing anaemia in pregnancy - need for intensive IEC Activities
A Study to know the compliance rale of IFA tablets in respect of collection and consumption was carried out in three districts of Himachal Pradesh covering 90 clusters. Out of total women interviewed with childless than one year, only 94.8% had collected IFA tablets. 41.9% and 10% women had consumed these tablets for 60 and 100 days respectively. Majority of women did not consume these tablets with the reason that medicine is taken on ly during illness and as such they don't require these tablets. Intrusive Information, Education and Communication activities are stressed in the paper.
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How to Cite
Bhardwaj AK, Ahluwalia SK, Vaidya NK. Preventing anaemia in pregnancy - need for intensive IEC Activities. Indian J Community Health [Internet]. 1995 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 4];8(2,3):31-3. Available from: