Profile of sexually transmitted infections (STI) in patients attending ‘SURAKSHA’ clinics of Madhya Pradesh


  • R Dubey
  • R R Wavare


Background: Reproductive tract infections (RTIs) and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) present a huge burden of disease amongst youth in India (approx. 6%). Methods: To study the profile of population affected by STI/RTI and spread amongst both sexes and classify STI according to its various types the present cross sectional study was conducted from Jan 2011 to September 2011.  A 12 days training was imparted followed by 3 days refresher training every quarter to counselors. The information was entered in a standardized Computerized Monitoring and Information System format designed by NACO and modified by state AIDS control society on daily basis. Results: There were 1, 22, 000 patients of STI/RTI in designated clinics of the state. Out of which females were 75.49% and males 24.4%. Vaginal Cervical Discharge contributed for 59.94% among the STI/RTI patients. The second major cause of STI/RTI is Lower abdominal pain 20.36%. Genital ulcer (Herpitic) 2%, Non-Herpitic ulcer is 3%. The overall prevalence in MP is 5.95%. Conclusions: STI/RTI is more prevalent in females as compared to males possibly because of certain established biological factors. Vaginal Cervical Discharge remains the commonest presenting complaint in STD OPD’s amongst females followed by Lower Abdominal Pain. Indore, Bhopal, Sagar, Jabalpur and Dewas are amongst the high STI prevalent districts.


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How to Cite

Dubey R, Wavare RR. Profile of sexually transmitted infections (STI) in patients attending ‘SURAKSHA’ clinics of Madhya Pradesh. Indian J Community Health [Internet]. 2013 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 4];25(4):367-71. Available from:



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