Prospective study on quality of newborn care


  • N Khanam
  • S Z Quazi
  • R C Goyal
  • A V Athavale
  • A M Gaidhane
  • S Agarwal
  • V Gaiki


Background: Quality of services provided by health care provider, the closest health functionary to the community has impact on neonatal mortality. Aims: Study on quality of newborn care in rural areas.  Settings and Design: This is a prospective study in the field practice areas of J.N. Medical College and areas under primary health centre of public health care system in Wardha district.  Methods and Material: Modified quality check list on the basis of PHC MAP module guidelines for assessing the quality of service-module 6-user’s guide was prepared. Face to face interview with 205 (group-A/104 nos + group-B/101 nos) mother of newborn was method to collected information in three postnatal visits.  Statistical analysis: Quality (verbal response) of each service was quantified as acceptable, average and worst.  Quality of both the groups was compared by calculating P-value after utilizing Z-test.  Results: Over all acceptable quality of medical history was 30.03%, physical examination was 21.73%, preventive service was 91.17% and counseling was 24.83%. Significant difference between two groups were found on history taking for (cry, breathing and body movement of baby), recording weight and counseling regarding exclusive breast feeding for first 6 month of life. Worst quality in this study were observed in history for anything applying to eyes, umbilical cord stump and complication of baby for which appropriate management was taken. Except for weight recording and examination of head and fontanels all other variables under physical examination were not acceptable. Counseling regarding high risk condition of baby was only 13.66%. Conclusion: Existing newborn services except immunization is inadequate and needs to be strengthened especially physical examination and counseling services.


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How to Cite

Khanam N, Quazi SZ, Goyal RC, Athavale AV, Gaidhane AM, Agarwal S, et al. Prospective study on quality of newborn care. Indian J Community Health [Internet]. 2013 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];25(4):432-7. Available from:



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