Palmar Dermatoglyphic: A forecast of hereditary diseases by the cumulative and comparative data in eastern Uttar Pradesh


  • Ankit Srivastava Government Medical College and Super facility hospital, Chakrapanpur, Azamgarh
  • Anand Bihari Government Medical College and Super facility hospital, Chakrapanpur, Azamgarh
  • Manisha Upadhyay Government Medical College and Super facility hospital, Chakrapanpur, Azamgarh
  • Abdul Ghaffar Government Medical College and Super facility hospital, Chakrapanpur, Azamgarh
  • Padmawati Gautam Government Medical College and Super facility hospital, Chakrapanpur, Azamgarh



Dermatoglyphics, Bronchial Asthma, Essential Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus;, Fingertip pattern


Background: The study of ridges in the form of different designs as Loops, Whorls and Arches, various triangle, ridge counts as Total finger ridge count (TFRC) and Absolute finger ridge count (AFRC) etc. is called as Dermatoglyphics. Aims & objectives:  This study is mainly focused on checking the validity and reliability of Dermatoglyphics for the prediction of various diseases which are mostly inherited like Bronchial Asthma, Essential Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus. In this study the finger tip pattern like Loops, Whorls and Arches with Finger ridge count (FRC), TFRC and AFRC is included. Material & Method: The Study has been planned in Govt. Medical College, Azamgarh on 190 healthy individual, out of those 140 were male and 50 were female. The finger tip pattern of both hands was collected in the form of Loops, Whorls and Arches with FRC, TFRC and AFRC. The created data was compared with previous case-control study. Results: It is been observed that there is no solid proof of Dermatoglyphic reliability because of unavailability of standard parameters (quality & quantity) of finger tip pattern, wide range of counts of patterns and Matching of present study results with both case and control of previous studies. Some studies was found important in which the count grading (from higher to lower) was changed from most normal results as Loops-Whorls-Arches to significant results as Whorls-Loops-Arches. The variability of results can also put a question on the inheritance of these diseases as it could be environment induced. Conclusion: Our study conclude that Dermatoglyphics should not be used as a tool for prediction of disease because of high variability in results until the cytogenetic study of these inherited diseases doesn’t show any specific parameter range of finger tip patterns in both aspects quality and quantity


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How to Cite

Srivastava A, Bihari A, Upadhyay M, Ghaffar A, Gautam P. Palmar Dermatoglyphic: A forecast of hereditary diseases by the cumulative and comparative data in eastern Uttar Pradesh. Indian J Community Health [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 4];31(4):464-9. Available from:



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