An Observational Exploration of Factors Affecting Perceived Social Isolation Among Social Media Using Medical Professional Course Students In South Indian State of India




Social Isolation, PROMIS Tool, Social Media, Health Care Professional, Mental Health


Background: Social isolation is identified as a state in which individuals lack a sense of belonging, true engagement with immediate family, friends, peers in the form of fulfilling relationships. The subjective form ‘perceived social isolation’(PSI) arises from a feeling of lack of engagement with above is linked to adverse physical and mental conditions. Aim & Objectives: To assess the factors associated with social medial use and levels of perceived social isolation among study subjects. Materials & Methods:  PSI was assessed by using Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) which was adapted in this study and the scores and grades from PROMIS-4 were classified as: low PSI: 4-6, medium PSI: 7-10, high PSI: 11 and above. Results: PSI was significantly higher among the subjects using social media for than two hours per day. In our study the association between gender, time spent on social media on daily basis, year of studying and PSI scores was found to be statistically significant. (P-value>0.05). Conclusion: People with high social media usage were found to perceive being socially isolated than their counterparts with lower use.


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How to Cite

Tirukkovalluri SS, Malarvannan K, Karthik RC, Mahendiran BS, Arumugam B. An Observational Exploration of Factors Affecting Perceived Social Isolation Among Social Media Using Medical Professional Course Students In South Indian State of India. Indian J Community Health [Internet]. 2020 Mar. 31 [cited 2025 Feb. 10];32(1):76-81. Available from:



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