Model package of Behavioral Change Communication regarding childhood pneumonia and its risk factors: a pre-post assessment
Knowledge, Perceptions, Hand washing skills, MaharashtraAbstract
Background: Many risk factors contribute to high morbidity and mortality due to childhood pneumonia. Mostly the risk factors are modifiable and related to behavior. Imparting knowledge to mothers about risk factors, early recognition of danger signs and importance of timely seeking health care is an accepted strategy for control. Aims & Objectives: To assess improvement in knowledge and perceptions about childhood pneumonia, risk factors and hand washing skills among mothers after sequential use of different media. Materials & Methods: This community based, pre and post assessment study was conducted in eight randomly clusters from two districts. Specially field supervisors assessed mothers for their ‘knowledge’, ‘perceptions’ and ‘skills’ about nutrition including breast feeding and malnutrition, indoor pollution, pneumonia and hand washing. Knowledge was assessed pertaining to all four aspects, perception was assessed for first three and skills were assessed only for hand washing. Three rounds of BCC using pictorial booklet, audio-visual film and flash cards consequently were completed, spread over about one year. Marks pertaining knowledge, perceptions about risk factors of childhood pneumonia and hand washing skills etc. were separately measured. Results: A total of 1,321 mothers participated. The mean pre-test marks were 22.31 out of 38 marks which significantly improved and retained to 35.24 after undergoing three BCC rounds. Highly significant improvements, 2.27 times in hand washing skills to 1.15 times for knowledge about indoor air pollution was observed. Conclusions: Consecutive use of different media at appropriate interval spread over a long period certainly yields desired results at diverse places.
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