Evaluating the Lumbar Nerve Root Stretching using Straight Leg Raising Technique A cost effective treatment option for patients of lumbar disc disease





Lumbar Disc Disease, Jharkhand, Straight Leg raising technique, Cost effective


Background: Lumbar disc disease is one of the most important cause of lumbar radiculopathy. Even a normal healthy disc may rupture by sudden heavy load if it is beyond the tensile limit of annulus fibrous. The lumbo-sacral radicular pain due to lumbar disc herniation, is responsible for DALY loss in terms of work absenteeism and disability. For a developing country like ours it’s a major health issue often ignored as patients don’t require hospitalization. In a developing country a cost effective method which is not increasing any out of pocket expenditure for the patient for relief from the lumbar disc disease suffering must be hailed as a boon considering its effectiveness as well as feasibility of administration everywhere. Method Starting March 18 till Dec 19 records of patients coming as per our eligibility criteria after IEC clearance were evaluated for the effectiveness of straight leg raising technique with data being analyzed using the measures of central tendency and other appropriate tests. Results Out of 72 patients 69 achieved improvement in pain while 68 achieved improvement in their ability to move along. Conclusion Given the zero cost of exercise technique this technique is an easy to master technique. if larger studies can validate our findings this can be taken at grass root levels to bolster the health care systems and train front line health care service givers so that last mile beneficiary too gets the benefit and relief from chronic pain owing to lumbar disease.


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Author Biography

Amit Chaitanya, Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi

Dr Amit is working as the sole Faculty in the department of PMR in RIMS Ranchi . His work is highly appreciated by the authroirites and patinets alike . He is research oriented and wants to highlight the benefit PMR can give to th society and wants to provide techniques which can support the last mile benfeciary . He decided to team up Department of PSM for this and plans to reach out in grass root levels using the Department of PSM . 


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How to Cite

Chaitanya A, Rana RK. Evaluating the Lumbar Nerve Root Stretching using Straight Leg Raising Technique A cost effective treatment option for patients of lumbar disc disease. Indian J Community Health [Internet]. 2020 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 4];32(2):371-7. Available from: https://iapsmupuk.org/journal/index.php/IJCH/article/view/1426



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