A cross-sectional study on the level of job stress among nursing staff and its relation with demographic variables and their work pattern in a tertiary care teaching hospital in Surendranagar, Gujarat





Job stress, nursing staff, demographic variable, work pattern


Introduction: The nursing profession is known to be stressful throughout the world. It contributes to various physical and psychological health problems in nurses, which ultimately influencing on their performance and efficiency of work. Objective: To measure the level of job stress among nurses and to find out its relationship with demographic variables and working pattern. Methods: Study was done among 102 nurses in a tertiary care hospital of Surendranagar district from February to March 2020. The level of job stress was measured by a set of 14 questions which are directly related to job stress and response was collected on a five-point Likert Scale. Results: This study revealed, moderate and severe level of job stress among 53% and 45% of nurses respectively. The job stress had no statistically significant association with demographic variables like age and gender. However, job stress had an inverse correlation with the factors like work experience, shift timings and working hours. Conclusion: All the study participants were suffering from mild to severe level of job stress. Younger age group and female nurses were commonly affected with job stress. Work stress was also found more prevalent in nurses with lesser experience, rotational shift and more working hours.


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How to Cite

Joshi KJ, Kishor SM, Kartha GP. A cross-sectional study on the level of job stress among nursing staff and its relation with demographic variables and their work pattern in a tertiary care teaching hospital in Surendranagar, Gujarat. Indian J Community Health [Internet]. 2020 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 4];32(2):404-10. Available from: https://iapsmupuk.org/journal/index.php/IJCH/article/view/1543



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