Capacity Building, Structural Adjustment and Culture Changes in Coping with HIV/AIDS in Surakarta Indonesia


  • Argyo Demartoto Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia;
  • Siti Zunariyah Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia;
  • Sri Hilmi Pujihartati Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia



Gender-Sensitive AIDS overcoming, Structural Adjustment, Cultural Change, Women with HIV/AIDS


Background: HIV-infected women increase in number due to biological condition, poor knowledge on HIV/AIDS, and low bargaining position. Aim & Objective: This study aimed to study capacity building, structural adjustment and culture changes in overcoming HIV/AIDS in Surakarta Indonesia. Methods and Material: Data was conducted through interview, observation, and documentation. Data was validated using source triangulation and analyzed using Longwe’s Women Empowering Framework. Results: Responsive-gender HIV/AIDS coping procedures in Surakarta to encourage woman’s reproductive right and realize gender equality. Conclusions: Capacity building, structural adjustment and cultural change is to improve, develop and integrate empowerment of women infected with HIV/AIDS.


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How to Cite

Demartoto A, Zunariyah S, Pujihartati SH. Capacity Building, Structural Adjustment and Culture Changes in Coping with HIV/AIDS in Surakarta Indonesia. Indian J Community Health [Internet]. 2020 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 4];32(3):559-63. Available from:



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