Relationship between academic behavior, perception of body image and self-esteem among medical undergraduate students in North Haryana




Body Image, Academic Behavior, Self-Esteem


Introduction: Body image issues among adolescents are rising in India. The grade of body image has alarming influence on functions in all perspectives of life. Outcome like academic absenteeism are connected with one’s body perception.  There is a need to review the perception of self-esteem and body image of medical undergraduates along with their impacts on academic behavior of undergraduates. Methodology: The study involved medical undergraduates and cross-sectional design was used. Questionnaire consisted of Socio demographic profile and 3 scales which includes Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Szuch’s scale and Measurement of Academic Behavior (MAB). Data was collected and analyzed using SPSS version 27. Results: 540 MBBS students participated in the study. Positive correlation seen amid self-esteem and body image perception with r=0.5 (p=<0.001). Significant positive correlation was observed among academic behavior and self-esteem as r = 0.0.473 (p=<0.001). Body image dissatisfaction was observed in underweight and overweight undergraduates. (p <0.001). Conclusion: The results concluded that the undergraduates with poor  body image satisfaction  and  low self-esteem were found to be having low level of academic behavior.


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How to Cite

Neeraj, Prabhakar V, Saini P, Arora P, Sapra K, Rathee C. Relationship between academic behavior, perception of body image and self-esteem among medical undergraduate students in North Haryana. Indian J Community Health [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];36(6):821-5. Available from:



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