Viral Hepatitis—A Silent Pandemic; Let’s Get Going


  • Om Prakash Kansal


Introduction: Viral Hepatitis is not drawing the attention from all levels of stakeholders while the prevalence and incidence is silently growing. As World Health Organization has adopted a resolution to raise the profile, attention and resources towards fight against Hepatitis, this article could help sensitize readers about the need and possible way forward in their respective settings. Aims: To Raise the profile of Hepatitis and draw attention of Policymakers, Professional bodies and stakeholders from Public and Private sector. Methods and Material:  This article is a review of the existing information, basis the sources mentioned and author’s efforts in this regard. Results:  The adoption of resolution WHA 63.18 by the World Health Assembly in 2010 and subsequent discussion in WHA 2014 offers immense opportunity to understand the gaps in policy and practice and collate the existing knowledge or generate new information, to excite policymakers and guide them take informed decisions. Conclusions:  Hepatitis is a much serious issue than we all believe, only concerted efforts by public health community could lead the way forward. Key Message: Viral Hepatitis impacts all Health Care Professionals, being a major occupational hazard. Thus, it is our community, which should lead comprehensive approach to excite and guide policymakers take informed decisions in fight against Viral Hepatitis.


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How to Cite

Kansal OP. Viral Hepatitis—A Silent Pandemic; Let’s Get Going. Indian J Community Health [Internet]. 2014 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 4];26(3):213-7. Available from:



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