Care of caregivers – who is responsible?




Caregiver Burden, Life Expectancy, Non Communicable Diseases


Demographic and epidemiologic transition coupled with increasing life expectancy has resulted in high old age dependency ratios and rising burden of comorbidities; especially non communicable diseases. This demands large pool of caregivers to support the dependents; physically, psychologically and financially. But the problems faced by caregivers – stress, anxiety, monetary, physical exhaustion and sickness, lack of time for personal care and health resulting in caregiver burden – is often neglected. This article summarizes the importance and/or role of caregivers, theirs problems and recommendations to identify, manage and prevent caregiver burden. The involvement of various stakeholders namely medical and para-medical colleges through training and medical education, hospitals, physicians, psychiatrists and/or psychologists, research organizations, governments and their policies is the need of the hour.


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How to Cite

Karpaga PP, Padhy GK, Kumar M. Care of caregivers – who is responsible?. Indian J Community Health [Internet]. 2021 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 10];33(2):400-3. Available from:




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