A Socio-Clinical Profile Of Cases Of Laparoscopic Sterilization Performed At Institution And Camps


  • k Tewari
  • S Hakim
  • R Begum


Research Question: What is the socio-clinical profile of cases of laparoscopic sterilization performed at the insti­tution and camps. Objectives: To study the (1) socio-clinical aspect of laparoscopic ligations. (2) complications and the failure rate. Study Design: Longitudinal study. Setting: Females coming for sterilization at the O-.P.D. and post-partum centre. Participants: 9088 females of reproductive age group. Study Variables: Age group, social class, residence, education, number of living children. Outcome Variables: Proportion of women who came for sterilization, ligations performed at hospital. Results: Demographic characteristics showed that 5658 (62.2%) and 3430 (37.8%) were from rural and urban areas respectively. Socio-economically , 80% cases be­longed to low socio-enonomic class. As regards the literacy status, 5500 (60.5%) of the patients were illiterate and 2600 (28.6%) of them had received only primary education. The age group which commonly accepted sterilization in 5056 cases (55.6%) was 31-35 years. The parity in our study showing highest incidence of laparoligation. i.e. 36.17% was 5. Our complication rate was 0.5% and failure rate 0.6%. Conclusions: Our experience of about 15 years shows that laparoscopic sterilization is a simple, safe, easy method and acceptable to the rural and even illiterate masses in this region. In the event of pregnancy, this permanent method is more acceptable


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How to Cite

Tewari k, Hakim S, Begum R. A Socio-Clinical Profile Of Cases Of Laparoscopic Sterilization Performed At Institution And Camps. Indian J Community Health [Internet]. 1997 Apr. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];9(1):43-6. Available from: https://iapsmupuk.org/journal/index.php/IJCH/article/view/40



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