Analyzing Out of Pocket Health Expenses: An Assessment based on Cross Section Study in Assam


  • Nirmala Devi , Suren Das College, Hajo, Kamrup, Assam



Health Expenditures; Logistic Models; Health Care Costs; Delivery of Health Care; Health Facilities; Surveys and Questionnaires; India


Background: Increasing out of pocket health expenses is one of the major debates among the policy makers during the recent years. Out of pocket (OOP) health expenses above the catastrophic level leads to impoverishment of the rural poor. Aims & Objectives: To analyzes the impact of inpatient care in escalating OOP expenses and identifies the factors associated with catastrophic health expenditure in Assam, India. Material & Methods: The study is based on the household survey conducted during 2014 - 15 in Nagaon and Nalbari districts of Assam. The factors associated with catastrophic health expenditure are estimated using binary logistic regression model. Results: The households are afflicted with a larger burden of healthcare expenditure mainly in case of inpatient care. Due to severe shortage of medical personnel and equipment, residents are compelled to visit private health facilities. Huge costs are borne by the households due to outsourcing of services from government to private sector. Conclusions: Provision of protection from financial risk for health hazards and improvement of quality of health care in government hospitals is imperative to improve the existing situation.


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How to Cite

Devi N. Analyzing Out of Pocket Health Expenses: An Assessment based on Cross Section Study in Assam. Indian J Community Health [Internet]. 2019 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];31(2):200-7. Available from:



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