Utilization of Postnatal Care Services and Factors Affecting It among Women of Urban Slums in Dehradun, Uttarakhand
Postnatal Care, Slums, Neonatal, Mothers, Perceived HealthAbstract
Background: India has made tremendous progress in reducing MMR by77 % since 1990, but still efforts are required to keep it up to achieve the new SDG target. Postnatal care is one of the interventions that can help the country to realize this aspiration. Present study is done to highlight this aspect of maternal care. Aims and Objectives: To assess utilization of postnatal care services among women residing in urban slums of Dehradun and factors affecting it. Materials and methods: A community based cross-sectional study was carried out among recently delivered mothers, residing in urban slums. 488 women were studied by systematic random sampling with the help of pre-tested questionaire. Data analysis was done using statistical software. Results: Out of 488 women, 52.5% received postnatal care at least once within first 48 hours of delivery. Only 76(15.5%) received all recommended PNC visits. 83(17%) reported to have some health problems after delivery. Socio-economic status, Education, number of ANC visits, place of delivery, type of delivery, and perceived health problem after delivery were found to be significant factors affecting postnatal care utilization. Conclusion: The study shows low level of complete utilization of postnatal care among women. Therefore, mothers should be educated about its importance to reduce both maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality.
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