Effect of smoking on treatment outcomes among newly diagnosed Tuberculosis patients in Shimla.
Tuberculosis outcome; Smoking; Cohort study; AlcoholAbstract
Introduction: World Health Organization in 2015 had adopted “End TB Strategy” aimed at ending the global TB epidemic by 2035. Tobacco smoking has been reported to be associated with many aspects of TB disease, including increased vulnerability to being infected, recurrence with TB and related mortality. Aims & Objectives: To determine effect of smoking on treatment outcomes of tuberculosis patients at the end of six months of standardized tuberculosis treatment. Material & Methods: A prospective cohort study was carried out among newly diagnosed tuberculosis patients of Shimla city of India. Data related to smoking status was collected using the standard questionnaire which was used for collection of data regarding tobacco use in Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS). Details of the participant’s final treatment outcomes after end of standardized treatment of 6 months was collected from the treatment records of the patients available in the office of district TB center. Results: 72 TB patients were included as study subjects. The prevalence of smoking came out to be 37.5% (95% CI: 26.4-49.7). In our analyses, the risk of unfavorable treatment outcomes was higher among smokers (p value 0.049), Smokeless tobacco users (p value 0.031) and those with history of harmful alcohol use (p value 0.002). Conclusions: Smoking and smokeless tobacco cessation programs need to be targeted at Tuberculosis patients.
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