A study of Substance Abuse and Quality of Life among Street Children in District Etawah
Quality of life, Street child, urbanization,, TobaccoAbstract
Background: The research series on street children are carried out in major cities by neglecting the rapidly developing small cities experiencing widespread urbanization. Unfortunately, there is lack of research-based evidences in field of mental health status and quality of life of street children. Aim & Objective: The study aimed to study the pattern of substance abuse & their correlates among street children and to assess the ‘quality of life’ among street children. Material & Methods: A sample of 145 street children of 13-18 years were enrolled by purposive sampling from January 2017 - June 2018 in Market places, Railway station, Bus depot etc. Subjects were searched at known hotspots in Etawah, and further sample was covered using snowball sampling. Information was gathered using predesigned and pre-structured questionnaire, along with WHOQOLBREF and Adolescent Alcohol and Drug Involvement Scale questionnaire. Results: Average Quality of life was tested using t test and ANOVA. Most of the street children 55% were aged between 13-15 years, 65 % had attended school for at least one year. Quality of life showed higher Physical health. Street living children had less psychological health score (30.3±7.1). Prevalence of drug abuse was 54%, while tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, inhalants, were the drugs consumed. Conclusion: Psychological health was more affected. Tobacco & alcohol were the common drugs consumed.
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