Job Burnout Assessment Among Officer Grade Bank Employees of Meerut District
Job Burnout, Bank Officers, Emotional Intelligence, Cognitive Weariness, Work StressAbstract
Background: India is in a transitioning state and so is it’s banking sector with wide socioeconomic differences and rapidly growing economy. In order to ensure smooth implementation of these policies, bank employees in banks are required to put in extra labor and hours of work and the fact that policies keep on changing time to time are a constant stressors in bank employees which may lead to burnout. Methods and Material: This was cross sectional study carried out among of Officer grade bank employees of urban block Meerut district situated in Uttar Pradesh. A total of 216 samples were collected through self-designed and semi structured questionnaire which included socio demographic profile and Shirom-Melamed Burnout Questionnaire (SMBQ) for assessing burnout. The simple random sampling technique was applied through computer random tables method for selection of banks and data was analyzed through SPSS19 and Microsoft excel .Results: 19.4% bank officers have pathological burnout and 55.1% of bank officers who are at brink of developing burnout. Conclusions: The Physical fatigue factor was found to be the least responsible for burnout in our study and the prevalence of burnout was found significantly more among married bank officers, living with nuclear type of family.
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