Testing and Lockdown; how much & to what extent? - An epidemiological dilemma
Lock Down, Testing Strategy, COVID-19, Community TransmissionAbstract
Testing and lockdown is the strategy planned to work on reducing the COVID-19 death. there are different views of community transmission and testing strategy. The views of lockdown also have various idea and scenarios which is thought for Pandemic like COVID-19.
COVID-19 testing strategy as revised on 9th April 2020 available in https://icmr.nic.in/content/covid-19 downloaded on 10th April 2020
Laboratory testing recommendation for COVID 19 available in https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/331509/WHO-COVID-19-lab_testing-2020.1-eng.pdf downloaded on 7th April 2020
What is heard immunity and how can we achieve it? Available in https://www.jhsph.edu/covid-19/articles/achieving-herd-immunity-with-covid19.html downloaded on 7th April 2020
Corona virus lockdown II. How serious could the impact be on Indian economy and GDP? Available in https://www.businesstoday.in/current/economy-politics/coronavirus-lockdown-serious-impact-on-indian-economy-gdp-high-unemployment-covid-19-economic-growth/story/399444.html downloaded on 7th April 2020
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